On Wednesday 22 April I will be a panellist for Architecture Today's webinar on 'Designing for an ageing population'.
Even before the explosion of the coronavirus crisis, the question of how best to design for an ageing population was rising up the agenda. Chaired by Chris Foges, discussions will include how can architecture and design do a better job of supporting today’s ageing population? What is the best way to give older people full access to the city? How can we improve the design of housing and other institutions built for older people?
We will also consider how our ambitions and approaches might change in light of the pandemic. I'll be joined by panelists Prof. Malcolm Johnson from the University of Bristol and Maria Brenton, UK Cohousing’s Senior Cohousing Ambassador and trustee of the UK Cohousing Network Trust. You can register here and send in your questions ahead of the live webinar to @Arch_Today on Twitter, using the hashtag #ATLive.