Following a successful bid to the Mayor of London’s Green & Resilient Spaces Fund, we are delighted that Down Lane Park has been granted the maximum award of £750,000.
Since spring 2022 Levitt Bernstein have been working alongside the LB Haringey client team (composed of Parks and Regeneration officers) to deliver a new park masterplan. At the heart of this process a long-standing relationship with the Community Design Group has been developed as key stakeholders and representatives of the local community. Early sessions included walkabouts of the local area to understand desire-lines, park assets, accessibility and management and maintenance issues. Initial discussions then helped steer and shape masterplan proposals revealing a strategy for creating character, linkages, new park entrances and priorities for the new park vision. The fruits of this process were then taken to community consultation last autumn and at the end of the year a masterplan framework with new community hub building location was resolved. Exciting steps are now being made to further resolve designs for new community hub building and garden with the Community Design Group and wider stakeholder team. We are also planning a series of workshops on themes including play, active travel, sports and spaces for young people to further test and refine proposals.
Alongside investment from Haringey Council, the grant will fund delivery of Phase 1 of the masterplan we have co-designed over the last year, focused on the north-east of the park. This will deliver sustainable drainage, accessible pathways and improved connectivity, as well as woodland, meadow and tree planting supporting habitat creation, biodiversity and climate change resilience. It will also help fund resident and user engagement and local green skills development.
Associate Director Kate Digney said:
“Securing funding for the transformation of Down Lane Park is fantastic news for Tottenham Hale and its local community. The green space is already well-loved and we’re working with local people through a co-design process to realise enhancements that will make it more inclusive, healthy and playful for visitors of all ages and abilities. The new masterplan will increase opportunities for community involvement in the park environment; new trees and planting will significantly improve biodiversity whilst building climate-change resilience for the future.
“We look forward to continuing to work with the local community and London Borough of Haringey to make these plans a reality.”