Posted Apr 4 2024 | By Renzo Campisi

Enfield Local Plan: defining place-making principles for allocated sites

In May 2023, the London Borough of Enfield appointed us to support the Council Plan-making Team with the Emerging Local Plan Site Allocations.

The 96 Sites Allocations included a variety of proposed land uses from housing and mixed-use to industrial, from education and sport to nature recovery. Our work, now included within each Site Proforma, set out the key design principles for each of these sites, alongside supporting diagrams.

The design principles cover themes such as: pedestrian connections, cycle routes, vehicle movement, wildlife corridors, gateways, servicing, public realm, streetscape improvements, sustainable drainage, retention of existing buildings, new marker buildings, height and active frontages.

Where appropriate, we defined new pedestrian and cycle routes through sites to aid accessibility to stations and bus stops; and highlighted those sites which need to protect key views, provide flood risk mitigation, or consider heritage assets.

These design principles must be considered by Applicants as proposals for the site allocations emerge, and the Council will use the Site Proformas when assessing planning applications. This will help to ensure that any new development coming forward will deliver quality design and follow the vision set out within the emerging Enfield Local Plan.

The Enfield Regulation 19 Local Plan is now out for consultation. You can view the full Council’s document here – the Site Allocation Design Principles and diagrams have been included within the Council’s Site Proformas in Appendix C.