Posted May 23 2023 | By Leonie Smith

Planning Permission for Elmore Street

We are pleased to announce that our proposed project on Elmore Street and the existing Lindsey Mews Estate was granted planning permission last night with unanimous approval by the committee. The infill project will provide 13 new homes across three buildings for Islington Council, with 62% dedicated to affordable housing.

The proposed development reflects the local context and will enhance the surrounding townscape by repairing the broken street frontage. It has been sensitively designed to enhance the setting of the neighbouring East Canonbury Conservation Area and picks up on local motifs along Elmore Street to provide a contemporary interpretation of the built fabric.

Our landscape design will help to integrate the proposed buildings to successfully form part of Lindsey Mews Estate by providing enhanced shared amenity. Informed by a number of public engagement events, the space will include interactive play space, allotments and picnic tables, improved refuse facilities and cycle storage as requested by the local residents, and a net gain of seven trees. The design also provides the site with a higher biodiversity value and will exceed the required Urban Greening Factor score.